
E L I I F® filtration system, is the most efficient and elegant design for filtering and refining water.  

E L I I F® systems equipped with Black Berkey® Purification Elements that remove greater than 99.999% of viruses and pathogenic bacteria, while also removing or dramatically reducing protozoa, trihalomethanes, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment and radiologicals.

Fluoride Filter- Removes flouride to greater than 99.9%.

By using an amphora shape vessel, the water primes itself in the lower vessel. The water begins a flow, due to the process of convection, this allows the water to refine and crystallize itself.

The water molecule adjusts it’s pole, to go with the flow, similar to an arrow when thrown to the air. When water molecules flow in the same direction, the water creates for itself a plasma-like crystalline structure, creating optimum absorption for our bodies. It becomes organized or structured water.

The water likes to be in this shape.

By drinking structured water, We become more hydrated and our crystalline body begins to operate in a higher, more efficient manner. You feel better. You think quicker.

You become healthier.



Evaporative cooling at the outer edges of a porous, egg-shaped container forces cool water to the bottom; warmer water rises up the center. This process supports the continual movement of the water. Many cultures (ancient and modern) have used egg-shaped vessels for storing seeds, food and water. Within a clay, egg-shaped vessel, water’s receptive potential is maximized. It reaches its most refined energetic state in perfect balance and equilibrium.

This is because clay allows water to breathe—which keeps water cool. Cool, dense water at the outer edges of an egg-shaped clay container sinks to the bottom, forcing warmer water to rise up the center. The process ensures constant cooling and it enhances the continual circulation of energy. No stagnant area exists. As water circulates, molecules assume a tightly packed, refined, crystalline network while gasses become latent. Hydrogen retreats into the molecular cages formed as water becomes a liquid crystal (see the book, Dancing with Water).


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